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Used for for protection, purification, release of addictions and tinnitus. Wearing Amethyst is said to calm anger and assist with spiritual and meditative wellness.



Carnelian provides courage when handling confromtation, helps with public speaking, leadership, assertiveness, and will. Promotes passion and power. Wearing it can enhance sexuality and bring detoxing energy to the body and mind.

Garnet assists with manifestation, personal will, and mental clarity. It aids creativity and opens one to Divine energy and love. Useful in boosting stamina and overcoming difficulty.

This stone helps reveal the nature of mystery illnesses. Labradorite is a magical stone for adventure and protection. It helps with control issues and self-mastery. A magnificent stone and it aids all the chakras.

No journey into self discovery is complete without a moonstone. It assists in dreams, insights, and intuition. It is a Goddess stone which is connected with the moon cycles and influences emotions and powerful healing. It is worn to help all female ailments.

Helps with discovering and developing hidden talents. Rhodonite is useful in meditation and dreamwork. It strengthens tissues, organs, and glands. It also stimulates metabolism, aiding in weight loss, and is said to help rid the body of gallstones, kidney stones, and promotes liver healing.

This amazing Smoky Quartz will help in grounding, transmuting negative energy, and manifestation of one's dreams. Smoky Quartz aids practicality, organization, and even counteracts the negative effects of energy.

This calming stone is great for purification and protection. It helps regulate the electrical and energetic systems in the body. Tourmaline is also said to help ease OCD behavior and anxiety, eliminates toxins and is grounding.



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Ametrine aids in mental activities such as learning, reading, and meditation.  It is also good for digestive issues, weight regulation and hormonal balance.



This stone assists with manifestation, personal will, and mental clarity. Aids creativity and opens one more fully to Divine energy and love. Useful in boosting stamina and overcoming difficulty.


Jade is for health and abundance, best to wear outdoors. It is also used for emotional and physical well-being.



This deep blue stone is used for inner vision and truthful communication. Lapis Lazuli is a royal stone from Egypt. It helps identify the karmic roots of disease.


Gemstones at their most powerful potential.  The mixing or rather pairing of gemstones creates combinations for specific energy vibrations.  



The pink princess of the Quartz family is one of the most important stones for love and emotional healing. It releases stress and unites one with the Divine. It helps one to receive and express love. A powerful stone for issues in the Heart chakra.

Tigers Eye balances between extremes. It is also a blood fortifier and strengthens the endocrine system. It helps with vitality and strength, fairness, and discernment.

Turquoise helps with communication and spiritual expansion. It is a calming stone and is the longest-used of all gemstones. Turquoise helps one release useless regrets, forgive oneself, oxygenates the blood, and brings good fortune to those who wear it.

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